At Aerial Funeral, we are excited to offer ambitious entrepreneurs an opportunity to own a profitable business within the drone industry.

The first step is to decide if you are a good fit.

Determining if you are a good fit for an opportunity to become an Aerial Funeral Service Provider involves assessing various factors related to your skills, experience, mindset, and values.

Watch this video to learn about the criteria we consider when evaluating whether or not you and your company are a good fit.

The second step is to master your own business.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the drone industry, the ability to effectively sell yourself, your business, and your business services is paramount. However, mastering the art of sales can be a daunting task, requiring not only finesse but also a deep understanding of market dynamics and consumer psychology. This is where partnering with a specialized business dedicated to honing your sales acumen, can make all the difference. Set yourself apart by enlisting the expertise of professionals who specialize in teaching the intricacies of selling. Unlock your potential to significantly enhance your business's growth, profitability, and overall success.

The third step is just that…take the next STEP!

The third step is usually the hardest.

Watch this video to learn the ins and outs of the third step.

Lucrative Business Model

Marketing and Branding Support

A Lasting Partnership

Tech and Software Support and Solutions

Take a look at the pictures below, this is just some of the highlights of what you receive when you decide to partner with Aerial Funeral.

Also, make sure you check out our training page to see what is available for you there.

State-of-the-Art Drone Technology

Business Development Resources

Comprehensive Training and Support

Complete Access to all Aerial Funeral Sales Training

To learn more about the Aerial Funeral Affiliate Program, please submit this form and someone will contact you.